Crafting Recipes in Minecraft
Below are all the crafting recipes in Minecraft, including how to create various items and potions. For convenience, all recipes are grouped into categories.
Various tools are used for crafting in the game:
Beginners are recommended to start by chopping trees. Then press the E key to open the inventory and create Planks from the harvested wood. In the inventory, you can craft simple tools and items. You can make a Crafting Table from planks, which can be placed on the ground and allows you to create more complex items. To smelt and cook materials, a Furnace is required.
Yellow Stained Glass
Yellow Terracotta
Weathered Cut Copper
Weathered Cut Copper Slab
Weathered Cut Copper Stairs
White Concrete Powder
White Stained Glass
White Terracotta
White Wool
Yellow Concrete Powder
Waxed Oxidized Cut Copper
Waxed Oxidized Cut Copper Slab
Waxed Oxidized Cut Copper Slab
Waxed Oxidized Cut Copper Stairs
Waxed Oxidized Cut Copper Stairs
Waxed Weathered Chiseled Copper
Waxed Weathered Chiseled Copper
Waxed Weathered Copper Bulb
Waxed Weathered Copper Door
Waxed Weathered Copper
Waxed Weathered Copper Grate
Waxed Weathered Copper Grate
Waxed Weathered Copper Trapdoor
Waxed Weathered Cut Copper
Waxed Weathered Cut Copper
Waxed Weathered Cut Copper Slab
Waxed Weathered Cut Copper Slab
Waxed Weathered Cut Copper Stairs
Waxed Weathered Cut Copper Stairs
Weathered Chiseled Copper
Weathered Copper Grate
Waxed Cut Copper Stairs
Waxed Exposed Chiseled Copper
Waxed Exposed Chiseled Copper
Waxed Exposed Copper Bulb
Waxed Exposed Copper Door
Waxed Exposed Copper
Waxed Exposed Copper Grate
Waxed Exposed Copper Grate
Waxed Exposed Copper Trapdoor
Waxed Exposed Cut Copper
Waxed Exposed Cut Copper
Waxed Exposed Cut Copper Slab
Waxed Exposed Cut Copper Slab
Waxed Exposed Cut Copper Stairs
Waxed Exposed Cut Copper Stairs
Waxed Oxidized Chiseled Copper
Waxed Oxidized Chiseled Copper
Waxed Oxidized Copper Bulb
Waxed Oxidized Copper Door
Waxed Oxidized Copper
Waxed Oxidized Copper Grate
Waxed Oxidized Copper Grate
Waxed Oxidized Copper Trapdoor
Waxed Oxidized Cut Copper
Warped Hyphae
Warped Planks
Warped Slab
Warped Stairs
Waxed Chiseled Copper
Waxed Chiseled Copper
Waxed Block of Copper
Waxed Copper Bulb
Waxed Copper Door
Waxed Copper Grate
Waxed Copper Grate
Waxed Copper Trapdoor
Waxed Cut Copper
Waxed Cut Copper
Waxed Cut Copper Slab
Waxed Cut Copper Slab
Waxed Cut Copper Stairs
Stripped Acacia Wood
Stripped Birch Wood
Stripped Cherry Wood
Stripped Crimson Hyphae
Stripped Dark Oak Wood
Stripped Jungle Wood
Stripped Mangrove Wood
Stripped Oak Wood
Stripped Spruce Wood
Stripped Warped Hyphae
Tinted Glass
Tuff Bricks
Tuff Brick Slab
Tuff Brick Stairs
Tuff Slab
Tuff Stairs
Spruce Planks
Spruce Slab
Spruce Stairs
Spruce Wood
Stone Bricks
Stone Brick Slab
Stone Brick Stairs
Stone Slab
Stone Stairs
Sea Lantern
Smooth Quartz Slab
Smooth Quartz Stairs
Smooth Red Sandstone Slab
Smooth Red Sandstone Stairs
Smooth Sandstone Slab
Smooth Sandstone Stairs
Smooth Stone Slab
Snow Block
Red Concrete Powder
Red Nether Bricks
Red Nether Brick Slab
Red Nether Brick Stairs
Red Sandstone
Red Sandstone Slab
Red Sandstone Stairs
Red Stained Glass
Red Terracotta
Sandstone Slab
Sandstone Stairs
Purple Terracotta
Purpur Block
Purpur Pillar
Purpur Slab
Purpur Stairs
Block of Quartz
Quartz Bricks
Quartz Pillar
Quartz Slab
Quartz Stairs
Block of Raw Copper
Block of Raw Gold
Block of Raw Iron
Purple Concrete Powder
Purple Stained Glass
Prismarine Stairs
Prismarine Slab
Prismarine Brick Slab
Prismarine Brick Stairs
Prismarine Bricks
Polished Deepslate Stairs
Polished Diorite
Polished Diorite Slab
Polished Diorite Stairs
Polished Granite
Polished Granite Slab
Polished Granite Stairs
Polished Tuff
Polished Tuff Slab
Polished Tuff Stairs
Pink Stained Glass
Pink Terracotta
Polished Andesite
Polished Andesite Slab
Polished Andesite Stairs
Polished Basalt
Polished Blackstone
Polished Blackstone Bricks
Polished Blackstone Brick Slab
Polished Blackstone Brick Stairs
Polished Blackstone Slab
Polished Blackstone Stairs
Polished Deepslate
Polished Deepslate Slab
Orange Concrete Powder
Orange Stained Glass
Orange Terracotta
Oxidized Chiseled Copper
Oxidized Copper Grate
Oxidized Cut Copper
Oxidized Cut Copper Slab
Oxidized Cut Copper Stairs
Packed Ice
Packed Mud
Pink Concrete Powder
Nether Bricks
Nether Brick Slab
Nether Brick Stairs
Nether Wart Block
Oak Planks
Oak Slab
Oak Stairs
Oak Wood
Mangrove Slab
Mangrove Stairs
Mangrove Wood
Mossy Cobblestone
Mossy Cobblestone
Mossy Cobblestone Slab
Mossy Cobblestone Stairs
Mossy Stone Bricks
Mossy Stone Bricks
Mossy Stone Brick Slab
Mossy Stone Brick Stairs
Muddy Mangrove Roots
Mud Bricks
Mud Brick Slab
Mud Brick Stairs
Block of Netherite
Lime Concrete Powder
Lime Stained Glass
Lime Terracotta
Magenta Concrete Powder
Magenta Stained Glass
Magenta Terracotta
Magma Block
Mangrove Planks
Light Blue Concrete Powder
Light Blue Stained Glass
Light Blue Terracotta
Light Gray Concrete Powder
Light Gray Stained Glass
Light Gray Terracotta
Jack o'Lantern
Jungle Planks
Jungle Slab
Jungle Stairs
Jungle Wood
Block of Lapis Lazuli
Gray Stained Glass
Gray Terracotta
Green Concrete Powder
Green Stained Glass
Green Terracotta
Hay Bale
Block of Iron
Block of Gold
Granite Slab
Granite Stairs
Gray Concrete Powder
End Stone Bricks
End Stone Brick Slab
End Stone Brick Stairs
Exposed Chiseled Copper
Exposed Copper Grate
Exposed Cut Copper
Exposed Cut Copper Slab
Exposed Cut Copper Stairs
Green Wool
Light Blue Bed
Light Blue Carpet
Light Blue Wool
Light Gray Bed
Light Gray Carpet
Light Gray Wool
Lime Bed
Lime Carpet
Lime Wool
Magenta Bed
Magenta Carpet
Magenta Wool
Orange Bed
Orange Carpet
Orange Wool
Pink Bed
Pink Carpet
Pink Wool
Purple Bed
Purple Carpet
Purple Wool
Red Bed
Red Carpet
Red Wool
White Bed
White Carpet
White Wool
Yellow Bed
Yellow Carpet
Yellow Wool
Block of Emerald
Diorite Slab
Diorite Stairs
Dried Kelp Block
Dripstone Block
Black Bed
Black Carpet
Black Wool
Blue Bed
Blue Carpet
Blue Wool
Brown Bed
Brown Carpet
Brown Wool
Cyan Bed
Cyan Carpet
Cyan Wool
Gray Bed
Gray Carpet
Gray Wool
Green Bed
Green Carpet
Dark Oak Wood
Dark Prismarine
Dark Prismarine Slab
Dark Prismarine Stairs
Deepslate Bricks
Deepslate Brick Slab
Deepslate Brick Stairs
Deepslate Tiles
Deepslate Tile Slab
Deepslate Tile Stairs
Block of Diamond
Cut Copper
Cut Copper Slab
Cut Copper Stairs
Cut Red Sandstone
Cut Red Sandstone Slab
Cut Sandstone
Cut Sandstone Slab
Cyan Concrete Powder
Cyan Stained Glass
Cyan Terracotta
Dark Oak Planks
Dark Oak Slab
Dark Oak Stairs
Block of Copper
Copper Grate
Crimson Hyphae
Crimson Planks
Crimson Slab
Crimson Stairs
Cobbled Deepslate Slab
Cobbled Deepslate Stairs
Cobblestone Slab
Cobblestone Stairs
Cherry Planks
Cherry Slab
Cherry Stairs
Cherry Wood
Chiseled Bookshelf
Chiseled Copper
Chiseled Deepslate
Chiseled Nether Bricks
Chiseled Polished Blackstone
Chiseled Quartz Block
Chiseled Red Sandstone
Chiseled Sandstone
Chiseled Stone Bricks
Chiseled Tuff
Chiseled Tuff Bricks
Block of Coal
Coarse Dirt
Bone Block
Brick Slab
Brick Stairs
Brown Concrete Powder
Brown Stained Glass
Brown Terracotta
Birch Slab
Birch Stairs
Birch Wood
Blackstone Slab
Blackstone Stairs
Black Concrete Powder
Black Stained Glass
Black Terracotta
Blue Concrete Powder
Blue Ice
Blue Stained Glass
Blue Terracotta
Block of Amethyst
Andesite Slab
Andesite Stairs
Block of Bamboo
Bamboo Mosaic Slab
Bamboo Mosaic Stairs
Bamboo Planks
Bamboo Slab
Bamboo Stairs
Birch Planks
Acacia Planks
Acacia Slab
Acacia Stairs
Acacia Wood
Weathered Cut Copper
Weathered Cut Copper Slab
Weathered Cut Copper Slab
Weathered Cut Copper Stairs
Weathered Cut Copper Stairs
Waxed Oxidized Cut Copper
Waxed Oxidized Cut Copper Slab
Waxed Oxidized Cut Copper Slab
Waxed Oxidized Cut Copper Stairs
Waxed Oxidized Cut Copper Stairs
Waxed Weathered Chiseled Copper
Waxed Weathered Chiseled Copper
Waxed Weathered Copper Grate
Waxed Weathered Cut Copper
Waxed Weathered Cut Copper Slab
Waxed Weathered Cut Copper Slab
Waxed Weathered Cut Copper Stairs
Waxed Weathered Cut Copper Stairs
Weathered Chiseled Copper
Weathered Chiseled Copper
Weathered Copper Grate
Waxed Cut Copper Stairs
Waxed Cut Copper Stairs
Waxed Exposed Chiseled Copper
Waxed Exposed Chiseled Copper
Waxed Exposed Copper Grate
Waxed Exposed Cut Copper
Waxed Exposed Cut Copper Slab
Waxed Exposed Cut Copper Slab
Waxed Exposed Cut Copper Stairs
Waxed Exposed Cut Copper Stairs
Waxed Oxidized Chiseled Copper
Waxed Oxidized Chiseled Copper
Waxed Oxidized Copper Grate
Waxed Chiseled Copper
Waxed Chiseled Copper
Waxed Copper Grate
Waxed Cut Copper
Waxed Cut Copper Slab
Waxed Cut Copper Slab
Tuff Bricks
Tuff Bricks
Tuff Brick Slab
Tuff Brick Slab
Tuff Brick Slab
Tuff Brick Stairs
Tuff Brick Stairs
Tuff Brick Stairs
Tuff Brick Wall
Tuff Brick Wall
Tuff Brick Wall
Tuff Slab
Tuff Stairs
Tuff Wall
Stone Bricks
Stone Brick Slab
Stone Brick Slab
Stone Brick Stairs
Stone Brick Stairs
Stone Brick Wall
Stone Brick Wall
Stone Slab
Stone Stairs
Sandstone Wall
Smooth Quartz Slab
Smooth Quartz Stairs
Smooth Red Sandstone Slab
Smooth Red Sandstone Stairs
Smooth Sandstone Slab
Smooth Sandstone Stairs
Smooth Stone Slab
Red Nether Brick Slab
Red Nether Brick Stairs
Red Nether Brick Wall
Red Sandstone Slab
Red Sandstone Stairs
Red Sandstone Wall
Sandstone Slab
Sandstone Stairs
Purpur Pillar
Purpur Slab
Purpur Stairs
Quartz Bricks
Quartz Pillar
Quartz Slab
Quartz Stairs
Prismarine Stairs
Prismarine Wall
Prismarine Slab
Prismarine Brick Stairs
Prismarine Brick Slab
Polished Tuff Wall
Polished Tuff Wall
Polished Tuff Stairs
Polished Tuff Stairs
Polished Deepslate Slab
Polished Deepslate Stairs
Polished Deepslate Stairs
Polished Deepslate Wall
Polished Deepslate Wall
Polished Diorite
Polished Diorite Slab
Polished Diorite Slab
Polished Diorite Stairs
Polished Diorite Stairs
Polished Granite
Polished Granite Slab
Polished Granite Slab
Polished Granite Stairs
Polished Granite Stairs
Polished Tuff
Polished Tuff Slab
Polished Tuff Slab
Polished Andesite
Polished Andesite Slab
Polished Andesite Slab
Polished Andesite Stairs
Polished Andesite Stairs
Polished Basalt
Polished Blackstone Bricks
Polished Blackstone Bricks
Polished Blackstone Brick Slab
Polished Blackstone Brick Slab
Polished Blackstone Brick Slab
Polished Blackstone Brick Stairs
Polished Blackstone Brick Stairs
Polished Blackstone Brick Stairs
Polished Blackstone Brick Wall
Polished Blackstone Brick Wall
Polished Blackstone Brick Wall
Polished Blackstone
Polished Blackstone Slab
Polished Blackstone Slab
Polished Blackstone Stairs
Polished Blackstone Stairs
Polished Blackstone Wall
Polished Blackstone Wall
Polished Deepslate
Polished Deepslate Slab
Oxidized Chiseled Copper
Oxidized Chiseled Copper
Oxidized Copper Grate
Oxidized Cut Copper
Oxidized Cut Copper Slab
Oxidized Cut Copper Slab
Oxidized Cut Copper Stairs
Oxidized Cut Copper Stairs
Nether Brick Slab
Nether Brick Stairs
Nether Brick Wall
Mossy Cobblestone Slab
Mossy Cobblestone Stairs
Mossy Cobblestone Wall
Mossy Stone Brick Slab
Mossy Stone Brick Stairs
Mossy Stone Brick Wall
Mud Brick Slab
Mud Brick Stairs
Mud Brick Wall
Granite Slab
Granite Stairs
Granite Wall
End Stone Bricks
End Stone Brick Slab
End Stone Brick Slab
End Stone Brick Stairs
End Stone Brick Stairs
End Stone Brick Wall
End Stone Brick Wall
Exposed Chiseled Copper
Exposed Chiseled Copper
Exposed Copper Grate
Exposed Cut Copper
Exposed Cut Copper Slab
Exposed Cut Copper Slab
Exposed Cut Copper Stairs
Exposed Cut Copper Stairs
Diorite Slab
Diorite Stairs
Diorite Wall
Dark Prismarine Slab
Dark Prismarine Stairs
Deepslate Bricks
Deepslate Bricks
Deepslate Brick Slab
Deepslate Brick Slab
Deepslate Brick Slab
Deepslate Brick Stairs
Deepslate Brick Stairs
Deepslate Brick Stairs
Deepslate Brick Wall
Deepslate Brick Wall
Deepslate Brick Wall
Deepslate Tiles
Deepslate Tiles
Deepslate Tiles
Deepslate Tile Slab
Deepslate Tile Slab
Deepslate Tile Slab
Deepslate Tile Slab
Deepslate Tile Stairs
Deepslate Tile Stairs
Deepslate Tile Stairs
Deepslate Tile Stairs
Deepslate Tile Wall
Deepslate Tile Wall
Deepslate Tile Wall
Deepslate Tile Wall
Cut Copper
Cut Copper Slab
Cut Copper Slab
Cut Copper Stairs
Cut Copper Stairs
Cut Red Sandstone
Cut Red Sandstone Slab
Cut Red Sandstone Slab
Cut Sandstone
Cut Sandstone Slab
Cut Sandstone Slab
Copper Grate
Cobbled Deepslate Slab
Cobbled Deepslate Stairs
Cobbled Deepslate Wall
Cobblestone Slab
Cobblestone Stairs
Cobblestone Wall
Chiseled Copper
Chiseled Copper
Chiseled Deepslate
Chiseled Nether Bricks
Chiseled Polished Blackstone
Chiseled Polished Blackstone
Chiseled Quartz Block
Chiseled Red Sandstone
Chiseled Sandstone
Chiseled Stone Bricks
Chiseled Stone Bricks
Chiseled Tuff Bricks
Chiseled Tuff Bricks
Chiseled Tuff Bricks
Chiseled Tuff
Brick Slab
Brick Stairs
Brick Wall
Blackstone Slab
Blackstone Stairs
Blackstone Wall
Andesite Slab
Andesite Stairs
Andesite Wall
Waxed Weathered Copper Bulb
Weathered Copper Bulb
Waxed Exposed Copper Bulb
Waxed Oxidized Copper Bulb
Warped Button
Warped Door
Warped Fence Gate
Warped Pressure Plate
Warped Trapdoor
Waxed Copper Bulb
Trapped Chest
Tripwire Hook
Spruce Door
Spruce Fence Gate
Spruce Pressure Plate
Spruce Trapdoor
Sticky Piston
Stone Button
Stone Pressure Plate
Slime Block
Spruce Button
Redstone Lamp
Redstone Torch
Redstone Repeater
Redstone Dust
Block of Redstone
Polished Blackstone Button
Polished Blackstone Pressure Plate
Oxidized Copper Bulb
Note Block
Oak Button
Oak Door
Oak Fence Gate
Oak Pressure Plate
Oak Trapdoor
Mangrove Pressure Plate
Mangrove Trapdoor
Mangrove Button
Mangrove Door
Mangrove Fence Gate
Lightning Rod
Light Weighted Pressure Plate
Iron Trapdoor
Jungle Button
Jungle Door
Jungle Fence Gate
Jungle Pressure Plate
Jungle Trapdoor
Heavy Weighted Pressure Plate
Honey Block
Iron Door
Exposed Copper Bulb
Dark Oak Trapdoor
Daylight Detector
Crimson Trapdoor
Dark Oak Button
Dark Oak Door
Dark Oak Fence Gate
Dark Oak Pressure Plate
Copper Bulb
Copper Door
Copper Trapdoor
Crimson Button
Crimson Door
Crimson Fence Gate
Crimson Pressure Plate
Redstone Comparator
Cherry Pressure Plate
Cherry Trapdoor
Calibrated Sculk Sensor
Cherry Button
Cherry Door
Cherry Fence Gate
Birch Pressure Plate
Birch Trapdoor
Bamboo Button
Bamboo Door
Bamboo Fence Gate
Bamboo Pressure Plate
Bamboo Trapdoor
Birch Button
Birch Door
Birch Fence Gate
Acacia Button
Acacia Door
Acacia Fence Gate
Acacia Pressure Plate
Acacia Trapdoor
Yellow Stained Glass Pane
White Banner
White Bed
White Candle
White Carpet
White Dye
White Dye
White Stained Glass Pane
White Stained Glass Pane
Smithing Template
Wind Charge
Book and Quill
Yellow Banner
Yellow Bed
Yellow Candle
Yellow Carpet
Yellow Dye
Yellow Dye
Smithing Template
Smithing Template
Smithing Template
Warped Fence
Warped Fungus on a Stick
Warped Hanging Sign
Warped Sign
Smithing Template
Minecart with TNT
Tuff Brick Wall
Tuff Wall
Spruce Boat with Chest
Spruce Fence
Spruce Hanging Sign
Spruce Sign
Stone Brick Wall
Sandstone Wall
Smithing Template
Smithing Template
Shulker Box
Smithing Template
Banner Pattern
Smithing Table
Smithing Template
Soul Campfire
Soul Lantern
Soul Torch
Smithing Template
Spruce Boat
Red Banner
Red Bed
Red Candle
Red Carpet
Red Dye
Red Dye
Red Dye
Red Dye
Red Nether Brick Wall
Red Sandstone Wall
Red Stained Glass Pane
Red Stained Glass Pane
Respawn Anchor
Smithing Template
Purple Stained Glass Pane
Nether Quartz
Nether Quartz
Rabbit Stew
Rabbit Stew
Smithing Template
Raw Copper
Raw Gold
Raw Iron
Pumpkin Pie
Pumpkin Seeds
Purple Banner
Purple Bed
Purple Candle
Purple Carpet
Purple Dye
Purple Stained Glass Pane
Prismarine Wall
Powered Rail
Popped Chorus Fruit
Polished Tuff Wall
Polished Deepslate Wall
Pink Dye
Pink Dye
Pink Stained Glass Pane
Pink Stained Glass Pane
Polished Blackstone Brick Wall
Polished Blackstone Wall
Orange Banner
Orange Bed
Orange Candle
Orange Carpet
Orange Dye
Orange Dye
Orange Dye
Orange Stained Glass Pane
Orange Stained Glass Pane
Pink Banner
Pink Bed
Pink Candle
Pink Carpet
Pink Dye
Pink Dye
Netherite Ingot
Netherite Ingot
Netherite Scrap
Netherite Scrap
Smithing Template
Nether Brick
Nether Brick Fence
Nether Brick Wall
Oak Boat
Oak Boat with Chest
Oak Fence
Oak Hanging Sign
Oak Sign
Mangrove Sign
Empty Map
Melon Seeds
Banner Pattern
Mossy Cobblestone Wall
Mossy Stone Brick Wall
Moss Carpet
Mud Brick Wall
Mushroom Stew
Music Disc
Lime Dye
Lime Dye
Lime Stained Glass Pane
Lime Stained Glass Pane
Magenta Banner
Magenta Bed
Magenta Candle
Magenta Carpet
Magenta Dye
Magenta Dye
Magenta Dye
Magenta Dye
Magenta Dye
Magenta Stained Glass Pane
Magenta Stained Glass Pane
Magma Cream
Mangrove Boat
Mangrove Boat with Chest
Mangrove Fence
Mangrove Hanging Sign
Leather Horse Armor
Light Blue Banner
Light Blue Bed
Light Blue Candle
Light Blue Carpet
Light Blue Dye
Light Blue Dye
Light Blue Stained Glass Pane
Light Blue Stained Glass Pane
Light Gray Banner
Light Gray Bed
Light Gray Candle
Light Gray Carpet
Light Gray Dye
Light Gray Dye
Light Gray Dye
Light Gray Dye
Light Gray Dye
Light Gray Stained Glass Pane
Light Gray Stained Glass Pane
Lime Banner
Lime Bed
Lime Candle
Lime Carpet
Iron Ingot
Iron Ingot
Iron Ingot
Iron Ingot
Iron Ingot
Iron Ingot
Iron Ingot
Iron Ingot
Iron Nugget
Iron Nugget
Iron Nugget
Item Frame
Jungle Boat
Jungle Boat with Chest
Jungle Fence
Jungle Hanging Sign
Jungle Sign
Lapis Lazuli
Lapis Lazuli
Lapis Lazuli
Lapis Lazuli
Lapis Lazuli
Gray Stained Glass Pane
Gray Stained Glass Pane
Green Banner
Green Bed
Green Candle
Green Carpet
Green Dye
Green Stained Glass Pane
Green Stained Glass Pane
Honeycomb Block
Honey Bottle
Minecart with Hopper
Smithing Template
Iron Bars
Golden Carrot
Gold Ingot
Gold Ingot
Gold Ingot
Gold Ingot
Gold Ingot
Gold Ingot
Gold Ingot
Gold Ingot
Gold Ingot
Gold Ingot
Gold Nugget
Gold Nugget
Gold Nugget
Granite Wall
Gray Banner
Gray Bed
Gray Candle
Gray Carpet
Gray Dye
Eye of Ender
End Crystal
End Rod
End Stone Brick Wall
Smithing Template
Fermented Spider Eye
Firework Rocket
Fire Charge
Fletching Table
Banner Pattern
Flower Pot
Smithing Template
Minecart with Furnace
Glass Bottle
Glass Pane
Glistering Melon Slice
Glow Item Frame
Golden Apple
Enchanting Table
Ender Chest
Diorite Wall
Dried Kelp
Smithing Template
Decorated Pot
Deepslate Brick Wall
Deepslate Tile Wall
Detector Rail
Cyan Banner
Cyan Bed
Cyan Candle
Cyan Carpet
Cyan Dye
Cyan Dye
Cyan Stained Glass Pane
Cyan Stained Glass Pane
Dark Oak Boat
Dark Oak Boat with Chest
Dark Oak Fence
Dark Oak Hanging Sign
Dark Oak Sign
Copper Ingot
Copper Ingot
Copper Ingot
Copper Ingot
Copper Ingot
Copper Ingot
Copper Ingot
Copper Ingot
Crafting Table
Banner Pattern
Crimson Fence
Crimson Hanging Sign
Crimson Sign
Smithing Template
Cobbled Deepslate Wall
Cobblestone Wall
Cherry Sign
Minecart with Chest
Smithing Template
Bone Meal
Bone Meal
Brewing Stand
Brick Wall
Brown Banner
Brown Bed
Brown Candle
Brown Carpet
Brown Dye
Brown Stained Glass Pane
Brown Stained Glass Pane
Carrot on a Stick
Cartography Table
Cherry Boat
Cherry Boat with Chest
Cherry Fence
Cherry Hanging Sign
Birch Sign
Blackstone Wall
Black Banner
Black Bed
Black Candle
Black Carpet
Black Dye
Black Dye
Black Stained Glass Pane
Black Stained Glass Pane
Blast Furnace
Blaze Powder
Blue Banner
Blue Bed
Blue Candle
Blue Carpet
Blue Dye
Blue Dye
Blue Stained Glass Pane
Blue Stained Glass Pane
Activator Rail
Andesite Wall
Armor Stand
Bamboo Raft with Chest
Bamboo Fence
Bamboo Hanging Sign
Bamboo Mosaic
Bamboo Raft
Bamboo Sign
Beetroot Soup
Birch Boat
Birch Boat with Chest
Birch Fence
Birch Hanging Sign
Acacia Boat
Acacia Boat with Chest
Acacia Fence
Acacia Hanging Sign
Acacia Sign